哈佛篮球队队长Jeremy Lin已为09-10季做好准备 2009-11-19
by Dan Totten
Jeremy Lin。哈佛大学篮球队。承认了吧,你很有可能压根就没听说过前一个名字,而后者怎么看也不像是篮球运动的温床。要是预测NCAA本季锦标赛入围球队的话,你肯定也会把哈佛排除在名单之外的。
尽管你可能不会在锦标赛入围预测单上写上哈佛的名字,但是,假如这一季你有机会去看哈佛的Jeremy Lin打球时,千万要去啊,不要有一丝一毫的犹豫!
Jeremy Lin,6尺3的弹簧人,现在是哈佛篮球队的大四后卫。他那广为传诵的成名战发生在2009年1月7日,当时他们对阵波士顿学院。适时馆外正肆虐着暴风雪,馆内,史诗般的风暴同样也在席卷。那场比赛,波士顿学院最终告负。而几天前,波士顿鹰队才击败了不可一世的北卡(也是当季的冠军)。
那场比赛,Lin拿下了27分6抢断3板2盖帽,还有8个助攻——以免你觉得他独。当晚,对他最大的赞美来自于对手 Tyrese Rice(现在在希腊打球)。整场比赛,Rice在防守Lin时,总要离他3-4尺远——这真的是Rice对Lin速度的敬畏。而这也是应当的——(否则)Lin会在中路突破,之后在那些毫无戒备之心的协防队员面前扣篮。不过这一季,Lin就享受不到这种不提防的奢侈待遇了。大家都会对他重点看防。
波士顿学院队继续前进,最终22胜12负,收获了相当不错的一季,入围了锦标赛(第一轮输给南加州大学72-55);哈佛则14胜14负,为常春藤联盟最佳阵容贡献了Lin和Drew Houseman(现在在以色列打职业联赛)。(Lin第一队,Drew第二队)
Tommy Amaker,执掌哈佛三年的教头,最近公开宣称他“非常喜欢执教Lin“以及“Lin在大学毕业之后可以去打职业篮球”。这些赞颂,由Amaker这样篮球渊源极深的人说出,可得算是意味深长了。他当年作为杜克球员夺得过两个冠军。在一级联盟做主教练之前,他还作为助理教练为杜克带来两届冠军:手下败将分别是密歇根和赛敦霍尔。
Amaker可是能辨别出那些有实力打NBA的天才的。他不仅曾经与这样的人交过手,还亲身指点过他们。当年在杜克时,Tommy Amaker可是屈指可数的防守专家。如果Jeremy Lin聪明点的话,他就应该尽自己所能的学习Amaker。不过他看起来也正是这么做的。执教生涯里,Amaker为NBA贡献了5个弟子,另外还有一些在欧洲职业联赛打球。
哈佛的新赛季肯定会更有看点的。Lin,Oliver McNally和新人Brandyn Curry会分享后场的上场时间。Lin可能也会在某些时候去打小前锋。Jeremy Lin, Oliver McNally和控卫Brandyn Curry这充满激情的后场三重唱,会和其他经验丰富的球员一起让对手们头痛不已的。
剑桥离Jeremy Lin的家乡Palo Alto很远。高中时,Lin曾率领校队在加州冠军赛中对阵强队Mater Dei(50年代的凯尔特人队传奇硬汉球星洛斯卡托夫也是那里人)。
Slam栏目采访了了Jeremy Lin,Lin用他特有的直率和睿智——并且内敛低调的方式回答了我们的问题。
SLAM: 在之前的一次采访中,你提到当年你对哈佛,斯坦福,伯克利都有兴趣——你会因为篮球去别的一级联盟学校吗?
Jeremy Lin:哈佛和布朗都明确告诉我说它们会招我进篮球队,但是斯坦福和伯克利却没有给肯定答复。就算哈佛和布朗都给不了奖学金,我也会再去那些Pac-10学校试试,看看能不能进他们篮球队。
SLAM: 认真考虑过其他学校吗?
JL: 除了常春藤,就是Pac-10。
SLAM: 今年你和Doug Miller是双队长。队长对你来说有什么特殊意义?
JL: 成为队长是一项荣耀和特权。这可不是什么轻松活计,我们终其一生也不过能经历这一次。我们会以身作则,奠定良好的队内气氛,督促每个人。
SLAM: 今年你们队上有7个新人。他们对你们来说意味着什么?
JL: 他们对我们来说至关重要——会加强我们的阵容深度,带来更多激情。我们肯定是需要新人们的激情和天赋的。今年我们招进了一批天才球员,他们才华横溢而又谦虚好学。在哈佛这么多年,我从来没有看到像今年这样的场面。他们乐于学习,这让我们很欣慰。他们还有很长的路要走呢。
SLAM: 哈佛教练团的杜克背景浓厚——你认为将来Amaker教练会安排一场与杜克的比赛吗?
SLAM: 哈佛在2月28日击败了康奈尔。他们最终问鼎常春藤联盟,进入锦标赛。今年你会如何面对他们?
JL: 他们还是跟过去差不多,不过队内化学反应更好了一些。但是我们今年大大不同了,所以我可猜不到那场比赛最终会如何。但是我们肯定会好好备战这场比赛的。我们会士气高涨地和他们大战一场,在这之前,我们会先着手改善自己的缺陷。
JL: 新的教练团队着实让人敬佩。对他们我是打心眼的满意。在这里很开心。我可没有想到我的篮球生涯会如此顺利,能有如今的成就,我真是够幸运的。我们队里有家的气氛,每个人都像哥们一样。在学校里,我们也亲密无间。不过我们知道我们还没有取得想要的成绩。我们还有一年来实现它,希望我们能为这里挂起一面冠军旗。
JL: 只参加了一个,San Francisco Pro-Am。你只能参加一个NCAA批准的联赛。
SLAM: 在夏天你着力改善自己的哪一方面?
SLAM: 兼顾繁重的课业负担和篮球计划,不容易吧?
JL: 其实越来越好应付。现在我知道怎样才能更高效,我的个人规划能力也提高了。大一和大二时确实很困难,但是在安排时间方面,我已经长进了不少。
SLAM: 去年波士顿和新英格兰的冬天真冷啊——你能适应这的天气么?
SLAM: 假如你被凯尔特人队选中,你会失望吗?
JL: 不,(被凯尔特人队选中)我绝对不会失望!这会是我的梦圆之时。如果我被凯尔特人选中的话,我会高兴到忽略这里的冬天的!
SLAM: 在其他采访里,你说过成为职业球员是你的一个梦想。如果NBA或者海外联赛不现实的话,你会考虑去NBDL打球吗?
SLAM: Amaker可是浸淫篮球圈多年啊。在他手下打球感觉如何?
JL: 当你看他的简历,了解他的事迹后,你会感到有点自卑的。难以置信我每天都能听到这样伟大的人的教诲。他的简历说明了一切,每个人在他讲话时都很尊敬地聆听他,他是我们的领袖,令出必行。毫无疑问,他是我们的统帅。
SLAM: 你爱好去贫民区做社区服务——最近去了吗?
JL: 不,上大学之后我就没法做这个了,这是高中的事了。
SLAM: 小时候最喜欢的NBA球队?
JL: 勇士队,我来自Palo Alto,所以我喜欢勇士队。
SLAM: 最喜欢的球星?
JL: 小时候是乔丹,勇士队可没有乔丹这样的巨星。现在可能就是勒布朗和德文-韦德吧。我很欣赏他们既能得分,又能让队友变得更好。
SLAM: 你知道不知道,多少NBA球队为你联系主教练Amaker?
JL: 我不知道有这种事,可能有球探来看球,但是我不能肯定...现在我不关心这个。我们要集中精力备战下一季。
SLAM: 你最喜欢什么课?在学术生活里,你最喜欢什么?
JL: 我最喜欢社会学课,我喜欢结交非篮球人士,非运动员们,接触这么多个性各异天赋有别的人蛮有趣的——看到所有这些天资参差背景不同的人,让我为之震撼。
SLAM: 作为一个经济学专业的学生,你曾经听过Noam Chomsky和Howard Zinn(两者皆喜爱对当今政局发表评论)的讲座吗?
JL: 不,还没去过。
SLAM: 你认为在球迷吵闹程度上,最强的敌手是谁?
JL: 康奈尔和耶鲁——耶鲁单方面认为我们是宿敌。康奈尔一直是强队,他们的球馆永远都是同仇敌忾地喧嚣着。
SLAM: 12月9日,你们会继1月的那次奇迹之战之后,再度挑战波士顿。他们应该特别留心看防你吧?
JL: 肯定的,我发自内心地想要与他们再战一场——我们就是这么渴望它。我们可不想让别的队把自己看扁,我们会迎头痛击;他们肯定会反击,想击溃我们,而我们也会齐心协力的——等着瞧吧。
JL: 我看过一些3巨头到来前的比赛;还去看过科比;夺冠后的揭幕战,我也去了。
SLAM: 你的家人会去看你1月4号在Santa Clara的比赛吗?
JL: 是的,肯定啊,家里人和朋友都会去的。想到那我就很激动——希望到时候去捧场的人很多。
SLAM: 如今你离家3000里——你曾经说过你很想家——你觉得你最思念家乡的什么?
JL: 是家庭吧——还有我的朋友,不过现在他们已经各奔东西了;我怀念老家的教堂,老家的天气,还有那的In-N-Out Burger快餐店,在家我可以开车——在这大家都步行,特别是在剑桥。所以说思念最多的是故人吧,家人和朋友们。
SLAM: 你的高中队友们有人还在继续打球吗?
JL: 是的,比如Brian Baskauskas——他之前在Amherst(马萨诸塞州的一个市)打球,现在去丹麦了;Blake Schultz,他现在在威廉玛丽学院。
SLAM: ESPN将你称作全国最全能的球员之一——你的数据毫无疑问证明了这点——今年,对哈佛来说,你的全能有何意义?
JL: 很难说。我很荣幸被那么评论,但是实际上我们赢球并不多。对个人来说,这是荣誉,但是假如我们队没能赢球,它就没那么重要了。现在我们必须在防守和篮板上下苦功夫。如果没能赢球的话,名声没有任何意义。
JL: 他们去年在自己的地盘上好好地收拾了我们一顿...所以...我们会斗志昂扬,争取打出场好比赛。这是我们主场第一场比赛,我们希望打得更好,希望人们能过来给我们打气。
SLAM: 好,今天就到这里了。非常感谢你,祝你好运。 Harvard hoop co-captain Jeremy Lin poised for ’09–10 season. by Dan Totten Jeremy Lin. Harvard University Basketball. Admit it. You’ve likely never heard of one and the other is far removed from any semblance of hoop hotbed status. Harvard is also likely far removed from being a possible bracket choice for any NCAA Tournament predictions you might be inclined to make for this season. While you may not pencil in Harvard as one of your predictions to make the NCAA tournament, if you get the opportunity to see Jeremy Lin play basketball for Harvard this season, by all means do so. Immediately! Jeremy Lin is a 6-3 leaper, who is now a senior guard on the Harvard University basketball team. His much-touted break-through game came against Boston College last season on January 7, 2009. While a snowstorm swirled outside at the heights that evening, a similar storm of epic proportions brewed inside. That game saw a BC letdown of major proportions, after the Eagles beat nationally ranked and ultimate 2009-2010 National Champion North Carolina just a few days prior. Lin’s stats for that game were 27 points, 6 steals, 3 rebounds, 2 blocks and in case anybody thought he was not thinking of his teammates, Lin had 8 assists. The biggest compliment paid that evening was from Tyrese Rice (now playing professionally in Greece) toward Jeremy Lin. Whenever Rice faced Lin on the defensive end, he stayed 3-4 feet off Lin the entire game -– true testament to Rice respecting Lin’s quickness. This respect for Lin’s quickness is quite deserved. Lin has slashed his way through the middle and dunked on unsuspecting defenders who chose to layoff him defensively in the past. Lin will have no such luxury this season as many a defense will focus on containing Jeremy Lin. Granted, BC played an incredible game against the Tar Heels just a few days prior to their January loss to Harvard. It could be argued that such an expenditure of effort against the team that ultimately won the national championship could warrant a bit of a letdown by anybody. Unfortunately that particular January evening not a single Eagles player brought any semblance of their Tar Heel game. BC went on to post a solid, very respectable 22-12 season record while making the NCCA tournament (suffering a 1st round loss to USC, 72-55). Harvard went onto a 14-14 season record while seeing Lin and graduating senior Drew Houseman(now playing professionally in Europe – Israel) make the All-Ivy league team (Lin 1st team, Housman 2nd team). Make no mistake the Atlantic Coast Conference Harvard is not athletically. Nor does Harvard present their school (obviously) as focused on athletics. By the same token most other colleges across the nation do not present themselves as being in the same league as Harvard academically. Needless to say, Lin and his teammates brought their A-game against BC. Jeremy Lin and Company dismantled Boston College. Harvard was led by Lin’s energy and offensive output. While the BC-Harvard game was a complete Crimson team effort, Jeremy Lin’s play and floor leadership that evening was the catalyst that prompted such a complete effort. Lin leads in a quiet unas Lin is a senior economics major now and a basketball co-captain. He continues to make the most of his Ivy League educational opportunity as well as his basketball opportunity with the Crimson. Third year Harvard Coach Tommy Amaker, in previous public comments about Lin has stated he “loves to coach Lin” and “Lin could have a basketball career after college if he wants.” Those are strong words coming from someone with Amaker’s basketball pedigree. That background includes two collegiate NCAA championships as a player at Duke as well as two championships at Duke as an assistant coach before he moved into the head coaching ranks at Division 1 schools: Michigan and Seton Hall. Amaker would know prospective NBA talent when he sees it. Amaker played against and coached many athletes possessing such talent. Tommy Amaker was named the nation’s top defensive player in his senior year at Duke. Jeremy Lin would be wise to soak in all he can from Coach Amaker and Lin seems to be doing exactly that. In his college coaching career, Amaker has seen five of his players drafted or signed to NBA contracts, while others have moved on to play professionally in Europe. This Harvard hoop season should prove interesting with trio of Lin, Oliver McNally and prized recruit Brandyn Curry sharing time in the back-court. Lin is also slated for some time at small forward. Jeremy Lin, Oliver McNally and point guard Brandyn Curry will be a high energy trio working with their experienced teammates in the front court to make it tough for Crimson opponents this year. Cambridge is a long way from Palo Alto, California for Jeremy Lin. During his Sr. year in High School Lin lead his school to the California State Championship against Cal powerhouse Mater Dei. (Celtics strongman and legend of the 50s and 60s “Jungle” Jim Loscutoff was a Palo Alto product.) SLAM caught up with Jeremy Lin and in his straightforward and intelligent yet reserved and unassuming way Lin responded to the following questions: SLAM: You mentioned in a prior interview that you were interested in Harvard, Stanford or Berkley – were you recruited by any other Division I schools for basketball? SLAM: Consider any other schools seriously? SLAM: You’re a co-captain this year along with Doug Miller. What does being a captain mean to you? SLAM: There are seven freshmen on your team this year. What impact will they have on the team? Impact on the season? SLAM: There’s a large Duke influence on the team throughout the coaching staff and beyond. Any chance Coach Amaker will be scheduling the Crimson against Duke in the future SLAM: Harvard beat Cornell last February 28th. They were ultimately the Ivy League Champ and went onto the NCAA. How do you think you’ll fare against them this year? SLAM: What has surprised you, if anything about Harvard Basketball? SLAM: Did you play in any summer leagues last summer? SLAM: What aspects of your game did you work on over the summer? SLAM: Has balancing a rigorous academic schedule with a demanding basketball schedule gotten any easier? SLAM: Last Year was a brutal winter, weather-wise around Boston and New England – are you used to the weather yet? SLAM: What if you get drafted by the Celtics, will you be disappointed? SLAM: You’ve said in other interviews that a pro career would be a dream- come true. If the NBA or overseas do not become a reality, would you be open to playing in the NBA D-league? SLAM: Coach Amaker has a tremendous hoop background. What’s he like to play for? SLAM: One of your inte
JL: 谢谢。
Crimson Attack
suming way with his actions doing much of the talking for him.
Jeremy Lin: Harvard and Brown were the teams who told me they wanted me to play for their teams while Stanford and Berkley was more of a walk on situation. Even though Harvard and Brown can’t give scholarships I was looking at those Ivy League Schools so I could play or recruited walk on situations at Pac 10 schools.
JL: I was just looking at Ivy League Schools or recruited walk on situations at Pac-10 schools.
JL: Obviously it’s an honor and a privilege to be able to be a captain. It’s not something that we take lightly and it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We try to lead by example and come out here and set the pace and push everybody.
JL: They definitely will be key for us – they give us a lot of depth, a lot more energy. There will be a time when we rely on the freshman for their energy and for their talents. We have a very talented class coming in. They are very talented, they are humble and they want to learn. I don’t know if Harvard has seen anything like this in the last few years. They are ready to learn and they don’t think they know it all and that’s the best part of being around them and that’s going to go a long way.
JL: I asked about it and they said Coach K does not like playing against former players, so as long as Coach Amaker is here that’s never going to happen.
JL: They’ll be very similar to past years, maybe even with some better chemistry. But for us we are a pretty different team this year so I’m not exactly sure how it’s going to play out but we definitely have them on our calendar and we are excited and we are going to go out and battle and we’ll also be trying to fix our problems from the past.
JL: With the new coaching staff it’s been an awesome experience, I could not have asked for anything better, it’s been a pleasure to be here. I didn’t imagine my career going the way it has. I’m really blessed to be in this situation. We are creating a family atmosphere and the guys all enjoy being around each other. Outside of basketball it’s awesome because we are all really close to each other. In terms of basketball we know we have not accomplished what we wanted to in the past and we have (the seniors) one year to accomplish those goals, so we’d like to start hanging some banners here.
JL: I played in the San Francisco Pro-Am. That was the only one. You are only allowed to play in one NCAA sanctioned league.
JL: I actually played point guard this summer so I focused on my passing and ball-handling and becoming a better playmaker. Here I have more of a scoring role so it should help me here in terms of my working on play-making, it will help if teams are doubling and using ball-screens and things like that.
JL: It’s gotten a lot easier. I am used to it now so I know how to be more efficient and I have improved my time management. It was really hard for me my freshman and sophomore years, but I’ve gotten a lot better in terms of time management.
JL: I’m a California guy so I don’t think I’ll ever be used to it. But I know this is my last one so I won’t have to deal with it much longer.
JL: NO, I will NOT be disappointed if I get drafted by the Celtics. That will be a dream come true and If I get drafted by the Celtics I’ll be so happy I won’t even worry about the winters !
JL: Yeah, I definitely would consider playing professionally. I love the game, I have a strong passion for the game and that’s definitely what I am looking at right now.
JL: It’s really humbling sometimes, when you look at his resume he’s accomplished a lot, I’m still kind of shocked that I get to be coached by someone like that every day, his resume speaks for itself and everybody respects him when he speaks, he’s our leader and everybody listens when he speaks, there’s no doubt about that and he’s our leader and the head of our program.